LETR Victoria Receives Award

LETR Victoria has been recognized as the Outstanding Police Recreation, Wel-fare or Social Achievement of the Year at the Victoria Police Sports Award 2019 for the Eastern Regional Awareness Tour 2018.

In 2018 LETR Victoria took part in the Eastern Regional Awareness Tour conducting 10 runs in regional areas between Melbourne and Wodonga. Police employees from Victoria and around the country were joined by Special Olympics Victoria to tour communities across regional Victoria to promote the importance of inclusion and acceptance of people with an intellectual disability.

 “…what a fabulous day. The energy and Spirit from the community was uplifting and a joy to be a part of” – Ashley Lythgo, RAO Shepparton

Throughout the tour, Special Olympics coordinated ‘Come and Try’ sports events that promoted the importance of physical activity and wellbeing for all people in the community. The events were a great success with local schools and community members taking part. 

Siobhan Whitzell from Shepparton Access said “The importance of this event in the lives of both our Service Users and their family members cannot be underestimated…I would like to pass on a huge congratulations to all involved, we have never been involved in such a well-run, inclusive and supportive experience…I cannot thank you enough for bringing such a wonderful event to Shepparton.”

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