Aussie Aussie Aussie reunion

There was not a dry eye in the house when the international team of the Final Leg of the Torch Run arrived in the historic town of Potsdam and straight into the waiting athletes of TEAM AUSTRALIA.

While we don’t want to embarrass our LETR chief, Matt Volk, word has it that he was seen using his Torch Run T-shirt to dab his “tired” eyes.

It is the last leg of the last leg for the international team of the Final Leg of the Torch Run team who have woven their way through the scenic towns of Germany on their way to Berlin for the Special Olympics World Games Berlin 2023.

“It was such a thrill to see the sea of green and gold and familiar faces, all decked out so magnificently in their team gear,” Matt said from Potsdam.

“There were high fives and hugs all around.”

Matt said the international Torch Runners were so “blown away” by the Aussie team, they decided to name June 15 “Australia Day”.

After Torch Runs through beautiful Rathenow, Brandenburg an der Havel and Teltow Kleinmachnow, the Flame was carried through Potsdam and to one of Germany’s best-known landmarks, the famous Brandenburg Gate.

From there it was just a short trip to Olympic Stadium for the Torch Runners and Team Australia for the final rehearsal for the Opening Ceremony.

Aussie Aussie Aussie …..

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